Port of Setúbal Installs Charging Stations for Electric Vehicles and Boats

Posted by PartYard Marine

The public company Mobi.E will manage and monitor the network of electric charging stations within the port.

The Port of Setúbal has taken another step towards its decarbonization strategy. In partnership with Mobi.E, the Administration of the Ports of Setúbal and Sesimbra (APSS) signed a collaboration protocol last Thursday to develop and implement electric charging structures, including for light and heavy vehicles, as well as recreational, fishing, and maritime-touristic boats.

Photo by APSS

Following the protocol signing, the Electric Charging Station at the Fontaínhas Marina was inaugurated.

Additionally, other charging points will be placed within the APSS jurisdiction, complementing the Port of Setúbal’s initiatives towards clean energy. This includes the installation of solar panels in the headquarters’ parking lot, a project already completed.

Commenting on the electric charging station, Carlos Correia, chairman of the APSS board of directors, stated during the protocol signing event, “This is another step in defining the strategy we have set for the Port of Setúbal, which we have designated as Hub2Green Setúbal. It includes a set of transformation actions committed to the sustainable future of the Port of Setúbal.”

Represented by its chairman of the board of directors, Luís Barroso, Mobi.E noted that this public company, established in 2015 as the manager of the Electric Mobility Network, is ahead of European Union directives in this sector. Functionally, the company is responsible for managing and monitoring the network of electric charging stations, including energy, information, and financial flows.

In its role as a driver and facilitator in the transition to electric mobility in Portugal, Mobi.E will work alongside APSS as a public instrument for the development of sustainable mobility.

Focusing on the decarbonization logic of the Port of Setúbal, Carlos Correia pointed out that Hub2Green Setúbal aims to transform the port into a distinctive economic hub for sustainable development at the regional, national, and European levels. This initiative is based on a chain of infrastructure crucial for job creation and the action of new clusters in reindustrialization, green economies, and the circular economy.

During the “Positive Impacts Initiative” conference – “Partnerships for the Decarbonization of the Port of Setúbal”, the president of APSS emphasized that a development strategy has been defined for this port area, considering opportunities associated with energy transition.

“It is well known that there are major development projects. The Port of Setúbal has a natural inclination to support the entire ecosystem of the offshore wind project, the European and national project,” said Carlos Correia, adding that the port has the infrastructure and raw materials for this potential. At the same time, APSS “is developing projects to establish in Setúbal the new industry associated with offshore wind energy, which will attract a lot of investment and create many jobs in the region.”

The strategic priorities of APSS include the modernization of its infrastructure and equipment, the promotion of intermodality, the reduction of consumption and emissions, energy transition and digitalization, and innovation, all associated with the development of the local economy in the city of Setúbal.

Furthermore, a roadmap of actions for the decarbonization and energy transition of the Port of Setúbal is being developed. This includes initiatives such as Project Rail2Green, involving the electrification of railway lines to port terminals, and the On-Shore Power Supply Project, which entails the construction of a 60KV/15Kv electrical substation in the port area.

Another initiative is the Energi2green Program, aimed at creating a renewable energy community by utilizing available spaces in the port and nearby industries for the installation of wind and solar energy equipment, to be used by members of the port community. Additionally, the Eco Ap 2030 Program aims to increase photovoltaic energy production for self-consumption, such as the installation of solar panels in the headquarters’ parking lot of APSS.

“We aim for a modern, efficient, and sustainable international example of the Port of Setúbal. It is within this framework that we establish collaboration partnerships, an example of which is the protocol for electric mobility signed with Mobi.E,” concluded Carlos Correia.

Concerns about running out of battery power at sea Electric mobility towards decarbonization was a topic of debate among a panel of guests, including Alexandre Videira representing Mobi.E, Isabel Ramos from APSS, Manuel Novais from Rodocargo, João Gouveia from Antran, and Manuel Costa Baz from Sun Concep.

Various sectors, from the management and monitoring of the electric charging station network to heavy-duty vehicles, boat construction, transportation logistics, and APSS itself, discussed that the shift to electric power is a future perspective. However, it was evident that this transition cannot occur at the same pace for all sectors, with the duration of batteries being the main concern. In other words, the fear of being stranded at sea due to a lack of battery power still exists, but it was agreed that the same risk applies to fossil fuels; therefore, it’s a matter of resource management.

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